CARnivorous is a hell of a game, and not a good one at that. It is a Carmageddon clone, which the main objective is to run over as many animals as you can before you get killed by the police. The download I provided comes from my personal copy out of the box, which is the only one archived online. There are specific instructions you need to do to make the game to run. You need the 32-bit version of RunAsDate, and you have to run the program at a date before June 1st, 1999, otherwise it will crash on startup. If you are running CARnivorous on a modern system, you will need an FPS limiter, and I personally use dgVoodoo to accomplish that. Suggested for: 233MHz Pentium II or higher, Windows 95/98, 3D accelerator with 8MB of VRAM or more.